Join us
Got a Young Person who wants to join in with Scouts at Squirrels (4-6 years), Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (8-10 years), Scouts (10½-14 years) or Explorers (14-18 years)?
We use Online Scout Manager (OSM) to manage the details of all Scouts. Click the button below to fill in your details. We'll be in touch once we've received your details.
Fill in the formCould you be an organiser, sandwich maker or activity runner
We're always on the lookout for new people to help with our Scouting mission to help us develop skills for life in young people.
We always have opportunities that can work around your life - it could be coming in and sharing that skill you've got, helping behind the scenes or becoming camp chef for the weekend.
Get in touch using our contact form and we'll be happy to chat about what you could do!
Get in touch